

Viața m-a învățat că este necesar să mă pun pe primul loc dacă doresc să fiu o persoană echilibrată. Am început pe la vârstă de 22 de ani să fiu interesată de ce aș putea face pentru a mă simți bine mereu. Am început să practic Yoga, meditație, exerciții de respirație, contemplare și atunci perspectiva mea asupra vieții s-a schimbat destul de mult. Am înțeles că cel mai important lucru din lume este să am un corp sănătos, o minte limpede și să nu mă atașez de emoțiile ce le simt, indiferent că sunt pozitive sau negative.

Avoid these cosmetic brands that test on animals

traditional animal testing is expensive, time-consuming, uses a lot of animals and from a scientific perspective the results do not necessarily translate to humans. – Dr. Christopher Austin, former director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Chemical Genomics Center All across the world people are waking up and seeing what goes on behind the closed …

Avoid these cosmetic brands that test on animals Read More »

Why you should choose organic, vegan make-up and skincare products?

the best things in life are cruelty-free. Make-up and skincare are considered essential items used by all women. While choosing to wear make-up can help you enhance your beautiful features, it also can expose you to different health concerns. Looking for ingredients in personal care and beauty should be our top priority if we want …

Why you should choose organic, vegan make-up and skincare products? Read More »

Five stages of healing with essential oils

essential oils are powerful emotional healers. Pure, therapeutical essential oils play a very powerful role in emotional healing. We all hold unresolved feelings of pain and hurt which need to be brought to the surface for transformation and healing. Essential oils can support healing in five stages. They strengthen us during each stage and prepare us …

Five stages of healing with essential oils Read More »

Embrace a conscious, ethical and sustainable life

sustainability looks to protect our natural environment, human and ecological health, while driving innovation and not compromising our way of life. People are attracted to sustainability, green living, or conscious life, because they are starting to realize that the everyday choices that all of us make have a great impact on our planet. I believe that finding …

Embrace a conscious, ethical and sustainable life Read More »